
Thank you for your interest in Holiday Cookies. Please review the following information before placing your order.
- For pickup, address will be on the confirmation. Pickup will be Monday 12/18 from 9am-4pm. More info will be sent in an email that week.
- Cookies available for local pickup. Address will be on your receipt. Located in Loudonville NY
- I am not able to ship out of state orders.
- You will receive an email with the cookie pickup dates and times as a reminder. PLEASE MAKE SURE YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS IS CORRECT AND IT IS AN ACCOUNT THAT YOU CAN ACCESS AND CHECK. If you need additional pick up times please let me know.
- I will be taking a LIMITED quantity of orders and will state when the order maximum is reached. Some items are more limited than others due to only having stock of certain packaging. If time permits I may offer a flash sale with additional options.
- All cookies come heat sealed for freshness.
- Flours By Foglia reserves the right to modify packaging options as shown in the picture for an equivalent alternative.
- Allergies: Cookies and icing do not contain nuts but are made in a shared kitchen, therefore we cannot guarantee the safety of those with severe allergies. Cookies also contain gluten, eggs, and dairy.
Thank you for supporting my small business! I truly appreciate the opportunity to provide you with delicious and beautiful handcrafted cookies. Should you have any questions about the cookies or other custom orders, please contact me at
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